LORD, Shine YOUR FACE UPON US! (Psalm 67)

Meditation on Psalm 67Great Redeeming God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, James, and Paul pour out YOUR undeserved favor and mercy upon YOUR people, let your gifts of grace give us the strength to live in a manner worthy of YOUR gospel of grace.Allow us to be aware of YOUR presence, power, and passion for us. Help us know today that in YOUR sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead we are fully accepted and loved more than we can imagine.As we begin to experience and know YOUR glory in YOUR gospel then let our light shine so that every nation, people, and language on earth will see YOUR saving power in us.Transform us that we may be agents of transformation to the world. May the nations see our good works and give YOU glory.LORD, manifest YOUR power to guide nations and judge the oppressors. Let those who plan terror be converted or cripple their ability to do harm. Take the tyrants who steal from their people to enrich themselves be put out of power and raise up titans of justice and mercy to follow YOUR ways to guide the earth into paths of peace and righteousness.May YOUR intervention among the nations be seen as coming from YOU that all the people of the earth will praise YOU for YOUR governance in the affairs of humanity.Come quickly Messiah Jesus, but maximize repentance and faith before YOU do.HOLY SPIRIT, convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment to such an extent that all self righteousness is stripped from us. Save us from our pride and the hardness of heart. Bring HOLY SPIRIT a great awakening of faith, give the gift of faith in the gospel to the Middle East, and then out to every nation on the planet.Revive us and make the bones live again.Great Redeeming God, Creator and Savior, without YOU we can do nothing. Let us experience all of YOUR blessings which YOU have given in the Messiah Jesus.Messiah Jesus, allow YOUR people to know and live out the blessings YOU have bought with YOUR blood. Without YOU we can do nothing.We need YOUR blessing. I need YOUR blessing.Let all the ends of the earth fear YOU great Creator Redeemer and Judge. The fear of YOU is the beginning of wisdom.Awaken our awareness of judgment day; THE DAY OF THE LORD. In light of that let us live.LORD have mercy, Messiah have mercy, LORD have mercy. Amen


Lord, I am desperate! Hear me! (Psalm 69)


LORD, let the whole earth see YOUR glory! (Psalm 66)