Lord, I am desperate! Hear me! (Psalm 69)

Psalm 69 MeditationsSave me, Eternal Redeeming Creator for without YOU I will drown in trouble and heartache. I don't know how to cry out more than I have cried out to YOU. Please come and change the things that seem unchangeable but which cause me great distress and fear.LORD, my folly and wrongs are before YOU. I deserve nothing but hell fire. The evil lord and his hosts hate me and desire my destruction. Lord have mercy and remember YOUR redeeming sacrifice for me.YOU GREAT MESSIAH Jesus bore reproach and dishonor for me. The zeal YOU had for the kingdom consumed YOU.LORD, use my life as an encouragement to YOUR people and not one that one that causes harm. Let me leave a legacy of faith for the next generation.Deepen my sorrow over my sin, increase in me an attitude of fasting and repentance. Transform me by YOUR grace.At the right time answer me in accordance to your loving kindness and committed redeeming love. Because of YOUR mercy save me and my household for YOUR glory and the defeat of the designs of the dark lord. Let those things I most fear evaporate like dew before YOUR power to save. Help me not drown in my sorrows and know defeat.Draw near to my soul great LORD of life. Answer me and give me wisdom to understand YOUR ways. Do not hide from me but give me revelation. Lord have mercy.YOU King Jesus, suffered my reproach, shame, dishonor and condemnation. Let your suffering keep me from despair. Heal my broken heart. YOU have suffered the poison that I deserved LORD Jesus. Thank you for YOUR love for me.Destroy the destroyer of souls. Lift high the gospel and hinder all who persecute YOUR people and hate YOUR message of love. Convert them or cripple them in their efforts to hinder the truth.Lift me high in the power of YOUR resurrection. Help me to see my life hid in YOU LORD Christ and ascended to the right hand of glory.Let those I love seek YOU. Let those I love be revived. Give to them new life. Allow them to live sane, stable, and spiritual lives. Do not despise my cries despite my weakness. Demonstrate YOUR grace and mercy in the lives of those I love and save them all.Let all creation give YOU glory LORD as YOU save YOUR people and build up YOUR kingdom.Thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as in heaven.LORD, revive us now! Amen


LORD, Stop the oppressors, haters, and war makers! (Psalm 68)


LORD, Shine YOUR FACE UPON US! (Psalm 67)