LORD, Hurry! (Psalm 70)

Meditation on Psalm 70LORD, YOU are never in a hurry, for YOU, from what we understand and can comprehend are outside of time. Eternal and already at both the beginning and the end of history.Yet, YOU answer prayer as we desperately experience time, moment by moment. YOU dwell in eternity and in the hearts of YOUR people. YOU are both outside of time and in time with us.So YOU understand when we cry out to YOU to make haste and save us.Save our children! Save our loved ones! Save our ministries! Save our work! Save our lives!Do it quickly! Do it now!Defeat the devil's plans for my life and help me experience the full abundant life YOU have planned and do it now. Defeat the devil's plan for my household and pour out YOUR life into their lives!Let me seek YOU!Let me have joy in YOU!Let me love YOU!Let me believe and proclaim that YOU are great, good, and compassionate.I am poor, needy, desperate, tired, and need rescue.YOU alone can help me and deliver me.Rescue those I love! Rescue those I should love!Do not delay but act today to do more than I can ask or think.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


Lord, do not forsake me! (Psalm 71)


LORD, Stop the oppressors, haters, and war makers! (Psalm 68)