Lord, do not forsake me! (Psalm 71)

Forsake Me Not When My Strength Is SpentMeditation on Psalm 71True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; God of Israel; God of Peter, John, and James; God of the True Church of Messiah Jesus; Triune, eternal, Redeeming Creator; YOU are my safe place of strength and security.Deliver, save, hear, rescue!Command and I will be saved! Command and those I love will be saved!Command and we will be saved!I beg You speak YOUR command and rescue us!Be our firm foundation and protection.Help me come to YOU continually.Help us to come to YOU continually.YOU have been my hope since my youth. I have trusted YOU from my earliest memories. I have always leaned on YOU. Before my birth YOU knew me and upheld me. YOU allowed me to survive birth.Do not cast me off in the days when my strength is spent. Let my mouth be filled with praise and let me reflect who YOU are to those who will see. Defeat the enemy who plots in the days of my weakness now to over run me and cast me down. Be my refuge and helper.YOU have sacrificed everything for me on the cross Redeeming Creator, great Messiah Jesus. YOU have overcome death in YOUR resurrection. In YOUR love and power I have hope.Work through me mighty deeds in YOUR power that all will be reminded of YOUR greatness who can do wonders even when I am weak.YOU Good, great, and compassionate LORD of mercy have taught me since I was the child all that is worth knowing. Now do not forsake me and allow me to proclaim to another generation YOUR love and power that they may also trust in YOU.Help my vision of YOU increase, that my passion for YOU will increase, so that my praise of YOU will increase.I have experienced many troubles and calamities here "East of Eden". Revive me again. Bring my hope up again. Comfort me concerning all I have lost. Forgive me all my sins.Defeat the plans of the enemy in my life that I may be a trophy of YOUR grace. Deliver those I love from lies. Save us for YOUR glory.LORD, have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy.


LORD, Rule over us now! (Psalm 72)


LORD, Hurry! (Psalm 70)