LORD, Rule over us now! (Psalm 72)

Meditation on Psalm 72Great Redeeming God of justice, grace, righteousness, and mercy, hear me now.May Messiah Jesus and HIS kingdom come and HIS will be done on earth as in heaven.Allow all nations to be discipled. End the rebellion against YOUR rule good resurrected LORD and SAVIOR.Awaken the nations to the true faith. Bring a great turning to YOUR gospel in every land. Even in the midst of persecutions raise up a generation of true disciples.Begin the awakening among the children dedicated and separated to you by their parents of faith and raised in YOUR gospel truth. Now straying and forgetting the faith of their parents, rekindle the teaching of their youth and bring them to a personal and devout personal faith in YOU. Awaken them and raise up the "dry bones" so that they will live.Command and they will be saved.Let the insanity of sin and immorality become evident. Convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Make clear to all that they are lost and strip from us the illusion of self righteousness. Make us aware we are lost that we may be saved.Help us see YOU, LORD JESUS, for who YOU are as the way, the truth, and the life.Bring a great revival before YOUR return that there may be multitudes in every nation worshipping YOU in spirit and truth.Do what cannot be done so that we may believe in YOUR power to save.Deliver the needy who call upon you, help the poor who have no helper, have pity on the weak and save them. Break the power of those who oppress with violence and threats. Bring mercy and justice to those in need.LORD JESUS, may all nations call YOU blessed and fill the earth with YOUR glory. Amen


Lord, help me trust YOU. (Psalm 73)


Lord, do not forsake me! (Psalm 71)