Lord, I need YOU! (Psalm 40)

Meditation on Psalm 40Great, good, and merciful living Redeeming Creator, hear my cry!YOU have saved me from many pits of destruction and YOU are my place of security and hope. Use my witness of YOU to bring many to put their trust in YOU. Honor me by allowing good to flow from YOU through me to others.Make me an object of your favor and grace and allow me to put my trust in YOU and not in the lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil.YOU have bankrupted heaven in YOUR suffering death for my sins and provided me with every spiritual blessing that heaven has in YOURSELF. Resurrected and living LORD, how can I begin to tell of all YOU have done for me for it is greater than all the words I have in my heart and mind. Awesome ONE, may I sincerely worship YOU in spirit and truth.Great Messiah, YOU obeyed fully in love. YOU suffered fully in love. YOU love me now more than I will ever understand. Let me not conceal the wonder of YOUR deliverance, faithfulness, and steadfast love and let it not be hidden. May all the universe see the greatness of YOUR grace for me, to me, and in me.In the midst of my mess now come. Injured by the sins of others and injuring other through my sins, my life is threatened by chaos . It is all tangled and broken. It would seem beyond repair.Yet, even my mess cannot restrain your mercy, steadfast love, and faithful keeping of YOUR promises from being poured out upon my head. It pleases YOU to deliver me, rescue me, and save me. Defeat the deadly plans of the dark lord for my life and bring YOUR victory to me.LORD, help me seek YOU, Rejoice in YOU, Be glad in YOU and love the salvation YOU have given freely to me. YOU are great, good, and full of abundant grace.Thank you for taking thought of me when I have no resources to earn such attention. YOU GREAT LORD, are my help and hope.Act today in ways beyond my hope. Don't delay but come and move powerfully in my life. Amen


LORD, Restore Me! (Psalm 41)


LORD, I confess and repent! (Psalm 39)