LORD, I confess and repent! (Psalm 39)

Meditation on Psalm 39LORD, let my voice be found. May I speak before YOU. Let me really pray from my heart of hearts. Help me find myself that I may find YOU.I need YOU Lord.Help me remember that it has been ordained for me to die once and then judgment day will come for me. Let me live in the light of YOUR constant presence in my life, the day of my death, and the reality of YOUR judgment for every moment of my life.My only hope is YOUR great mercy found in your death for my sins, burial, and resurrection from the dead. Only YOU can rescue me from just condemnation. Lord have mercy and allow me to have true faith.In light of eternity my days are few and my lifetime as nothing as all. Time is short. Let me redeem the days and make the most of the few that are left. Let me leave a good legacy for coming generations. I am just a shadow save me from foolish greed.My hope is in YOU. YOUR love for me is what I trust in. Deliver me from my lack of love and selfishness. Let me respond to YOUR rebuke and chastisement. Let me not be stiff necked and stubborn in insane rebellion.LORD, lift me up and give me renewed joy and be my refuge today. Forgive me my follies and moral failures. Help me now to see. Help me now to hear. Help me now to feel. Help me be filled with YOUR love and life. Bear fruit through me this day. Amen


Lord, I need YOU! (Psalm 40)


LORD, Save me! (Psalm 38)