LORD, Save me! (Psalm 38)

Mediation on Psalm 38Lord, help me see my lack of love and faithfulness. Provide me wisdom to see how my transgressions have brought me failures and distress. Lord for the sake of YOUR sacrifice on the cross now have mercy on me and give to me a true fear of YOU in every action that I take.Lord, use your chastisement as a means to purify my soul.Lord, awaken us to YOUR work in YOUR people that is calling us to become more like YOU in all we do and not to trust in sin to win.My heart is filled with pain and sadness. So many losses. So much broken. Lord who rescues, now rescue me for the sake of YOUR glory.Protect us LORD from the attacks and purposes of the enemy. Come now and save us from ourselves.I wait upon YOU LORD to revive us, restore us, reform us, and regenerate us. YOU must save or we are lost.LORD, I am sorry that I have not walked in the way of love as I should have walked the way of love. I have been proud instead of humble. Self-righteous instead of aware that I can do nothing without YOU. LORD forgive me because of YOUR death on the cross for my sins and resurrection from the dead. YOU JESUS only YOU are the hope of my salvation.Draw near to me. I need YOU. I need YOUR strength. Make haste to help me now. LORD YOU are my salvation!


LORD, I confess and repent! (Psalm 39)


LORD, make me a giver to others! (Psalm 37:21-40)