LORD, make me a giver to others! (Psalm 37:21-40)

Meditation on Psalm 37:21-40Lord of great grace and generosity, Redeeming Creator; put in me a heart that desires to give instead of take. Remove from me selfishness and self centeredness.Help me remember the treasure I have in the kingdom of heaven bought for me by YOUR blood LORD.Uphold me today LORD and help my steps be steady. Allow my lifestyle to delight YOU. Hold my hand dear Shepherd through this day.May my children and grandchildren be YOUR disciples and be a blessing to this culture.Grant me a hatred of evil and a passion for righteousness. LORD, thank YOU for never forsaking me or abandoning me.Give YOUR people wisdom to give to this culture and allow the Scriptures to be deeply ingrained into our hearts.Watch over the persecuted church and allow them to be effective in being light and salt. Bring revival to the lands where YOUR people are most afflicted.Give me patience as I wait to see YOU act and fulfill all your promises. Cut off the power to do harm to those who have a goal to do evil. Cripple them or convert them. Help us see that there is no future in rebellion and selfishness.Make me a man of peace. Help me to have a good reputation and live an upright life of sincere faith in YOUR gospel.Living LORD, be my salvation, my stronghold, my help, my rescuer, and refuge in days of trouble. Help me today!Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


LORD, Save me! (Psalm 38)


LORD, help me trust YOU and not worry! (Psalm 37:1-20)