LORD, help me trust YOU and not worry! (Psalm 37:1-20)

Dr. Norman Wise - Director of Living Water Christian CounselingMeditation on Psalm 37:1-20God will not forsake the faithfulLORD, help me not be filled with anxiety and fear over the power of those who do evil to do harm. Grant me freedom from envy of those who gain success through moral transgression. Help me to see that in the light of judgment day all their power and success will fade away.LORD grant us faith in YOU and seek to live in a manner consistent with YOUR goodness. Allow us to be faithful to YOU and YOUR truth. Today, let us seek to worship YOU and take delight in YOU. Make the desires of our heart YOUR desires.Help me dedicate my life and my lifestyle to YOU living and true Creator and Redeemer, help me to rely on YOU and YOUR promises. Help me know that on the day of judgment I will be given by YOUR grace, light and life. YOU will declare me righteous because of YOUR sacrifice for me on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Act now this day on my behalf and let me bear much fruit for YOU in this day.Help us not worry about all the evil and insanity that is about us. Grant us hope in YOU and provide us a calm inner peace in the midst of difficult times when evil seems to prosper.Save me from the temptation to respond to evil with evil. To act from my fear and worry in an attitude of self-righteous anger. My anger cannot establish YOUR will on the earth. Help me wait patiently for YOU to act and defeat those who do abusive and harmful things. YOUR kingdom come, YOUR will be done on earth as in heaven.YOU have promised us that the path of victory is the path of humility and not pride. The road of true success if sacrificial love and not selfish ambition. Help us to trust YOUR rule over life. Help us follow YOUR rule over life.Grant me YOUR perspective of always seeing those who hurt others and live for themselves, as ultimately defeated and destroyed. Help me see that I need to have no fear of them or worry about the future but know that YOU cannot be defeated by anyone or even by all of creation. YOU are far greater than all.Deliver the poor and needy from the hand of the oppressors. Convert or cripple those who want to exploit and harm the weak. Break the power of those who are evil and strip them of their power.Help me to see that the greatest treasure I have is YOU and YOUR righteousness. Better to be poor with integrity than rich with hypocrisy. Help me value character more than comfort in my life.Help us to keep an eternal perspective. Rebellion and immorality are only successful in the short run but will bring all who trust in them to ruin. YOU have promised us that if we live by faith in YOU and YOUR redemption, then we will inherit YOUR eternal kingdom and know YOUR eternal joy. Keep us heavenly minded this day.Redeeming Creator, have mercy upon us, Great Savior have mercy upon us, Redeeming Creator have mercy upon us. Amen


LORD, make me a giver to others! (Psalm 37:21-40)


Lord, keep me from evil! (Psalm 36)