Lord, keep me from evil! (Psalm 36)

Meditation on Psalm 36Lord, help me not listen to the lies of transgression or lack fear of YOU. Guard my heart from evil. Protect me from pride. Keep me from lies. Help me to act wisely and do what is loving. Help me plan to do your will even as I sleep and give me the wisdom to reject evil.Help me trust in the deep, committed, and unending love YOU have towards me proved by YOUR sacrifice on the cross from my multitude of moral failures. Help me see the hight, depth, and width of YOUR eternal love. Save my household and me. Bring to us true faith in the gospel.Help me to drink of the ocean of YOUR compassion and care. Help me take refuge in YOUR great promises. YOUR LOVE for me is the most precious reality of my life. Help me see truth for my life within the TRUTH YOU have revealed. YOU are mu life.Let me trust that you will never forsake me. Protect me from the plots of the dark lord and his legions who war against me. Help my heart be filled with true faith.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


LORD, help me trust YOU and not worry! (Psalm 37:1-20)


Lord, defeat the darkness today! (Psalm 35)