Lord, keep us leaving the faith (Jude)

 Meditation on JudeLord, help me remember that I am your bond servant today and help this define and direct all the words and actions I take today.Thank you for loving me, protecting me, and calling to me to have faith.Pour out YOUR mercy, peace and love into my life and heart. For without YOUR gifts I have nothing.Lord, protect your gospel community from false teaching that would distort YOUR gospel by denying YOU as King and Master. Help us not think we may sin that grace may abound. Good LORD, forbid that YOUR people will be deceived by a lawless spirit and fall into an immoral lifestyle.Remind us that YOUR people have been destroyed when they did not believe YOUR true gospel but feel into idolatry, immoral sexuality, and unnatural desires. Keep us from theological speculations that reject authority, encourage us to not worry about giving into immoral passions, and treat holy things with disrespect. Lord, guard my heart from a lawless attitude.Let me be careful to not grumble about how YOU are working in my life and instead seek to have a thankful attitude. Let me seek contentment rather than being dissatisfied.Help me not fear when I see things both outside the community of faith and within the community of faith, seem to stray far from YOUR law and gospel. This was predicted by YOU and so let me trust in YOUR Word and know that YOU will preserve us.Good Lord, now build up your people in the true faith of the common salvation that we share in YOU. Help our prayers dear HOLY SPIRIT and allow them to seek first the kingdom and righteousness. Help us focus on the wonder of YOUR love found in YOUR death and suffering for our sins. Focus us on the power and joy of YOUR resurrection from the dead. Help us remember that YOU are coming with mercy to give to us "Eden on steroids" and therefore help us to guard in our hearts to have true faith in YOUR gospel.Lord, have mercy on me when I doubt. Increase my faith. Good Shepherd, let me know how to snatch others who don't believe and are heading for hell fire, out of that fire by sharing in word and deed YOUR saving grace found in the gospel. Great lover of souls, help me to carefully and prayerfully, restore those fallen in immorality and impurity; without compromising my own hatred of evil. Lord, keep me from temptation and deliver me from the lies of the evil one.LORD, YOU keep me from stumbling and will present me before YOUR throne blameless with great joy. YOU ETERNAL ONE, alone deserve glory, majesty, dominion, and authority.Let me see YOU more clearly, that I might love YOU more dearly, and follow YOU more nearly. Day by Day. Amen


LORD, of light and truth come to us! (Psalm 43)


Lord, defend me! (Psalm 43)