Lord, defend me! (Psalm 43)

Meditation on Psalm 43LORD, defend me as I defend YOUR will on earth and YOUR kingdom. Let those who oppose the gospel either be converted or crippled in their power to do harm and persecute.LORD, YOU are my refuge, fortress, and safe place.Help me in the darkness of being abused to see that YOU don't change. Help me not feel abandoned and rejected by YOU when everything seems against me.Send out your enlightening TRUTH to guide me in all my decisions. Help me enter before YOU with faith, hope, and joy in worship and adoration.Soul of soul within me now don't be cast down in despair but put YOUR hope in the LORD who is my Saving Delivering God.Lord help me now to see YOU more clearly that I might love YOU more dearly. Lord have mercy. Amen.


Lord, keep us leaving the faith (Jude)


Soul, why are you troubled? (Psalm 42)