Soul, why are you troubled? (Psalm 42)

Meditations on Psalm 42LORD, give me a strong thirst for YOU. Take from me a lack of spiritual desire and fill me with a hunger for YOU and YOUR beauty.Comfort my heart and dry my tears. Help me see YOU working in my life and may YOUR presence with me be evident to others. Draw near to me dear LORD.Help me remember the spiritual mountain tops of my life LORD. Give me a clear spiritual memory of how you intervened in my life. Help me to recall the greatness of YOUR work in my sojourn here so far.Listen now heart of my heart! Listen soul of my soul! Have joyful anticipation and happiness in YOUR God who saves YOU at great price and sacrifice upon the cross. Wake up and trust in the LORD and wait upon HIM to act in faith.I am cast down and overwhelmed but I remember that I have been cast down and overwhelmed before and YOU have delivered me.YOU call to the depths of my soul to hear YOUR voice and know of your unending steadfast love of promise and infinite commitment. LORD, YOU are my rock, refuge, and rest.Help me not at dark times feel like YOU have forgotten me. Let me speak to those voices in my soul and remind them of YOUR sacrifice upon the cross and great victory in YOUR resurrection. YOU will never leave me or forsake me. Help me now to not feel forsaken in the midst of my struggles.Soul, trust the Lord in the dark. Don't give in to fear. Rely on HIS unending love and purpose.Thank you LORD for being faithful. Amen


Lord, defend me! (Psalm 43)


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