LORD, let me live to know YOU! (Psalm 17)

Meditation on Psalm 17LORD, hear the cries of victims oppressed by those who design harm and injustice. Good LORD, raise up those who will defend the helpless and the hopeless.LORD, protect your Church from the lies and attacks of the enemy. Bring to us new joyful anticipation that YOU will revive us and bring to us a new energy and focus on YOUR kingdomLORD, forgive me my sins and help me have a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Help my lifestyle not slip into transgression. Keep me from returning evil for evil. Make me more and more faithful in my exercise of faith in the gospel.Show now YOUR ability to save me and show your committed and eternal love towards me as I seek refuge and safety in YOU and YOUR grace. YOU alone can save.LORD remember YOUR passionate and personal love for me this day. Remember YOUR Church. Defeat the plots and plans of the devil in this generation. LORD, defeat and destroy the dark spiritual lions that seek to devour us. For YOUR glory tear down the strongholds of lies.LORD Messiah Jesus, cripple the efforts of wicked men whose portion is only in this life to oppose YOUR kingdom and truth. Convert them to know YOU by having true faith in the gospel of amazing grace.LORD, let me hunger and thirst to see YOUR likeness and in that vision transform me into YOUR righteous likeness. In light of this destiny at my appearing before YOU, now let me purify myself as YOU are pure. Let my happiness come from experiencing holiness.Lord, how help me to seek first YOUR kingdom and righteousness in every way this day in every aspect of my life. Amen


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LORD, YOU own me! (Psalm 16)