LORD, YOU own me! (Psalm 16)

Meditation on Psalm 16LORD Redeeming Creator, let my faith be preserved by YOUR grace and teach me to find in YOU a place of safety and security.LORD, all the good I have is from YOU and in YOU. YOU are the one that I trust to provide and protect me. YOU own me. I am YOURS.May I remember and see all those who follow YOU and let their witness and example give me joy.Help me see that every path that leads me away from YOU only leads to sorrow and destruction. Help me to not become entangled with the ways of wickedness.Great and Good Lord from YOU alone do I want provision, protection, and joy. YOU have determined my place in life and what my life will produce. I trust my destiny to YOU.YOU LORD, please take pleasure in my admiration and praise of YOUR greatness for you provide to me through YOUR Word and Spirit counsel even when I sleep. Let me always put YOU and YOUR kingdom first so that I will not lack strength to pursue the right goals.One day I know that even after I die, I will be with YOU and then YOU will raise my body from the grave. Even as YOU were raised from the grave after YOUR sacrifice on Calvary so I will be given a resurrection into a glorious perfect life. YOUR promises make my future secure.Living and loving LORD, YOU have taught me the ways of life, joy, and true pleasure as I live in union and communion with YOU free of condemnation. I will trust YOU in the dark knowing that YOU are always with me and will not forsake me.Help me to sense YOUR presence around me and in the light of that presence have pleasure in YOUR wisdom and love forever. Amen


LORD, let me live to know YOU! (Psalm 17)


LORD, how can I hope to be accepted by YOU? (Psalm 15)