LORD, let me love YOUR WORD (Psalm 19)

Meditation on Psalm 19Wise, infinite, eternal, Creator of every atom and KING of the Universe, from whom all things come and all things exist; great and good ONE; help me see in creation and even in myself the wonder of YOUR wisdom. Help me hear YOUR voice speaking out of the physical world. Let me see the wonder in nature that is YOUR presence and power surrounding everything.YOU have established the natural laws and the structure of everything. YOU have a formula behind each aspect of beauty. Everything is working together even now under the burden of rebellion that has brought twisting, distortion, and death to YOUR creation. The creation groans under the curse humanity has brought upon it but YOUR light and life are preserved even East of Eden. LORD, YOU are here.YOU have given us YOUR BOOK. Spoken not just YOUR WORD but written YOUR WORD so that we might find YOU in YOUR WORD. It is exactly as YOU planned it, breathing through chosen souls to produce chosen words. YOU breathe through it new spiritual life into us. YOU breathe on me through it.YOU give me wisdom in YOUR WORD, LORD, help me trust it. YOU give me stable reality in YOUR WORD, LORD, help me trust it.YOU offer me joy in YOUR WORD, LORD, help me receive it. YOU offer me enlightenment in YOUR WORD, LORD, let me seeYOU offer me faith in YOUR WORD, LORD, help me believe.YOU offer me truth in YOUR WORD, LORD, let me hunger for it.LORD, give me a deeper desire and craving for YOUR revelation and allow me not be so proud as to think that I do not need it. Let YOUR WORD be sweet to me and attractive to me. Give me a taste for YOUR WORD.LORD, let YOUR WORD protect me and produce in me a productive life.LORD, help me discern my errors. Cleanse me from the faults I do not see. Save me from prideful and foolish moral transgressions. Don't allow false ideas and false living rule my daily life. Let me live a life of true faith before you and keep me from great transgressions of love.May my inner feeling and thoughts be healthy and holy and then may my words and actions reflect YOUR glory.I need YOU great eternal redeeming Creator to be my rock and rescuer. Rescue me today!Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen




Lord, give me victory today! (Psalm 18:43-50)