Lord, give me victory today! (Psalm 18:43-50)

 Meditation on Psalm 18:43-50LORD of truth and mystery, wisdom and wonder, psalms and proverbs; heal and help my heart.Every knee will bow before YOU great divine KING. All the might of the rebellious nations will fall before YOUR might and glory.Rescue me from the world, the flesh and the devil. YOU are the living and real LORD, infinite and wise, YOU are the God of my salvation. May YOU be recognized for being good, great, and full of grace. YOU are the security and safety of my life and soul.In YOUR death for my sins, burial, and resurrection, YOU gave me victory over all that threatens me. I see in this sacrifice and act of power YOUR compassion and commitment to me. I am awestruck by itGreat is the salvation YOU have given me as a gift, at great price to YOU. YOUR LOVE is full of YOUR promises and faithfulness.Thank YOU Redeeming Creator for being a Savior.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


LORD, let me love YOUR WORD (Psalm 19)


Lord, YOU are my security and strength! (Psalm 18:31-42)