Lord, YOU are my security and strength! (Psalm 18:31-42)

Meditation on Psalm 18:31-42LORD, you are the firm foundation upon whom I depend. You have provided me strength for the duties that I have to accomplish today. YOUR will for me today is defined and clear to YOU, please make it clear and defined for me.You are my security and have determined to work through my life. YOU have provided me training to accomplish my role and tasks for my life. YOU are the protection around me and have promised to rescue me from the dangers that would damn my soul. Thank you for saving me by YOUR grace. Your gentle grace has made me all that I am that is positive and good.Help me to trust YOU during the times I am most scared. Scared of the unpredictable things. Help me to not worry about things that are not real. Allow my heart and mind be at peace. Help me to believe in YOUR plans for me on my most confusing days.Help me to see YOUR victory over the dark lord and his demons who seek to divert me and plot against my fruitfulness. In the power of YOUR victory at the cross and resurrection from the dead let these dark evil spirits be crushed under my feet. Give me strength for this spiritual battle this day. Make the darkness retreat before the YOUR light and life. Help me not fear them but trust in YOUR power to save.In YOU Messiah is the victory! Pour YOUR victory out upon me now.Pour YOUR victory upon YOUR Church now!Revive us, Renew us, Restore us!


Lord, give me victory today! (Psalm 18:43-50)


Lord, save me from self-righteousness (Psalm 18:20-30)