Lord, save me from self-righteousness (Psalm 18:20-30)

Psalm 18:20-30Lord, save me from both the dangers of self-righteousness and pride and the despair of not thinking YOU have granted me any healing of soul. Let me not think in such black and white frameworks so that I am either blind to YOUR work in my life or under the illusion that there is not much more that YOU need to do in my life.Ultimately, my trust is that YOU are my righteousness and that because of YOUR righteous life put to my account and YOUR suffering on the cross I will be rewarded because YOUR reward has become my reward, great rescuing Messiah.YOU Messiah Jesus had cleanness of hands, followed the rules of the covenant from the heart, kept all the ways of the revelation of Moses, followed all the statutes of Scripture, were blameless, free of guilt, and perfectly righteous. Because of YOUR moral perfection YOU could die for my sins and provide for me a substitute life that would bring every spiritual blessing into my life. Thank YOU rescuing Savior.Help me remember YOUR mercy towards me and therefore show mercy to others. Grant that I may strive to be blameless in loving others that I may reflect the way YOU have unconditionally loved me. Keep me in a realistic attitude of heart and help me avoid the illusion of pride. Lift me up!In the darkest of times YOU are my light and my truth. My ability to overcome the spiritual enemy is due to YOUR strength in me. YOU are the source of my strength.YOUR wisdom concerning life is perfect and true. Let me trust in it more than I trust myself. Let me be wise enough to seek refuge and security in YOU alone. Be my shield this day. Protect and provide for me that I may protect and provide for those that depend on me.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


Lord, YOU are my security and strength! (Psalm 18:31-42)


LORD, rescue us today! (Psalm 18:7-19)