LORD, teach me joy! (Psalm 30)

[audio mp3="http://livingwaterchristiancounseling.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Justin-Young-01-Learning-How-To-Experience-God-Disc-1.mp3"][/audio]Meditations on Psalm 30Great, Good, and Merciful Messiah Jesus, you have defeated the dark lord and all his plans for my life.I called upon YOU to save me and YOU have healed my heart from the just condemnation I faced because of my rebellion against YOU. YOU have saved me from hell fire that I deserved and have restored to me union and communion with the ONE TRUE TRIUNE GOD.For this great salvation I will proclaim YOUR attributes of wisdom, kindness, mercy, sacrificial love, compassion, long suffering, and patience. I am thankful for YOUR sacrificial salvation given to me as a gift.Help me experience YOUR joy and not believe that my weeping will be forever. The struggles of 'East of Eden" are great and bring me much grief, as they do YOU. Yet YOU offer a joy in the middle of the tears and so let me enter into that joy.Do not let me experience a lack of YOUR presence for without YOUR presence, felt moment by moment, then I will be dismayed and undone. Without YOU I can do nothing. Keep me from pride and trust in the gifts YOU have given me apart from YOU. Let my real trust be in YOU and not in the gifts you provide.LORD, be merciful to me and help me find YOUR answers to the dark problems I face. How will my defeat serve YOU? Grant me victory for the sake of YOUR name and kingdom. Let me desire YOUR glory and kingdom more than I do my comfort.Teach me know how to dance in the promises YOU have given. Let the mourning of repentance give way to the wonder of forgiveness. Give to me an overflowing and thankful heart.Great LORD and Messiah YOU are worthy of all praise.Pour out your power and presence upon YOUR people now around the world and shake the nations with a mature and fruitful community of faith and love. LORD, let us shine YOUR light into this dark world. May all nations, tongues, and people give YOU praise and see YOUR glory. Amen


Lord, be my refuge (Psalm 31)


LORD, Speak to us today! (Psalm 29)