Lord, teach me YOUR ways (Psalm 25:1-10)

 Meditation on Psalm 25:1-10Great, good, and merciful redeeming Creator, defeat the dark lord's desire to kill, steal, and destroy the purpose of my life. For YOUR glory, give me victory over evil. Grant me a loyal and loving heart towards YOU.LORD, I need YOU to teach me how to live and develop a lifestyle that reflects your truth and grace. As I make decisions let them be guided by YOUR merciful wisdom. Let YOUR gospel of redeeming sacrifice and victorious resurrection, be the map I follow as I live day by day. Help me seek answers and be patient until I find them.LORD, as YOU relate to me, remember the great mercy you showed by dying on the cross for my sins and demonstrating YOUR victor over sin by YOUR resurrection from the dead. Help me to remember that YOU have eternally loved me before the creation of the earth. Forgive and pardon my past sins but remember always YOUR unfailing compassion and care shown at the cross.Great and good divine teacher show me your ways of living and let me trust YOUR wisdom more than my own. Keep me from pride. Provide me a humble heart. Help me guard YOUR promises and truths in my heart. In YOUR light let me see light.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy.


LORD, Save me! (Psalm 25:11-22)


Lord, thy kingdom come! (Psalm 24)