Lord, thy kingdom come! (Psalm 24)

Meditations on Psalm 24Redeeming Infinite Creator, every atom of the earth belongs to YOU and YOU are RULER over every human being. YOU are sovereign over the entire planet.Lord, I can stand only in YOUR righteousness put to my account as I strive to become YOUR righteousness upon the earth. Lord have mercy. Help me come boldly before YOUR throne based on YOUR sacrifice for my sins and resurrection from the dead. Great High Priest Jesus have mercy on me and give me grace in time of need.Lord let my deeds be righteous and come out of a heart of love for YOU. Keep me from idols and false beliefs. Let me become free of deception and manipulation.Lord, in YOUR grace bless me, declare me righteous based on YOUR suffering, and save me. LORD, only YOU can save me.Give me a hunger and thirst to know YOU and to dwell with YOU. Give me a passion to understand YOU and have fellowship with YOU.King of Glory, GREAT LORD and ultimate KING who is strong and mighty, leader of a great multitude that cannot be numbered, come now and manifest YOUR kingdom and receive now the glory due YOU from all creation. End the rebellion and bring waves of repentance into our hearts.Lord now act and help us to become all that we should be for YOUR sake and YOUR kingdom's sake. Amen


Lord, teach me YOUR ways (Psalm 25:1-10)


Lord, guide me! (Psalm 23)