Meditations on Psalm 33The LORD is great, good, and full of Grace. Always present during the worst times. I thank YOU Living Creator and loving Redeemer and lift up praise to your name.Praise God from whom all blessing flow, praise him all creators here below, praise him above the heavenly host, praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Help me see YOUR eternal and faithful love all around me. Grant me trust in YOUR faithfulness and the skill of all the works YOU perform. Help me trust YOUR word and give me a love for righteousness and justice. YOU are GOOD and HOLY great Redeeming Creator.Eternal and all powerful SPIRIT, YOU need only speak and all things are created and every natural wonder is a small thing in YOUR sight and under YOUR command.As we see YOUR awesome power to create out of nothing help every human being on the planet come to recognize they are in YOUR present moment by moment and be in worshipful awe of YOUR reality and POWER.LORD, help me not fear the plots and plans of political rulers who are evil and corrupt but help me see that YOUR plots and plans rule all. Help the United States of America to have a revival, reformation, and great awakening that we may be a people who honor the God of Abraham, Moses, and Paul. Give to Israel faith in the true gospel of the Messiah Jesus and convert them to become faithful followers of YOU, Messiah Jesus.LORD, YOU stand judging and seeing all things each and every second of every day. We are swimming in YOUR presence and power, but only dimly perceive it. Help us know that YOU know us from the heart out.Grant us not to trust in our military and political power. Let us not worship the BEAST of human government. The government cannot save us. Only YOU can save us.Lord, watch over YOUR people today and don't forget us in YOUR great and costly Redeeming love in YOUR sacrifice for our sins. Deliver and Rescue us.LORD, we wait for YOU to act in great ways in our generation. YOU are our strength and shield, provider and protector, and hope and help. Let us know gladness as we trust in YOU and YOUR promises to us.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


How to solve problems


Lord, forgive me (Psalm 32)