Lord, forgive me (Psalm 32)

Meditation on Psalm 32Great Redeeming Creator,The greatest grace YOU can give me and the most costly is that my sins are forgiven and I am declared righteous before YOU without any condemnation but only YOUR great praise.Help me to not lie to myself concerning the depth of my sins or the greatness of YOUR merciful and costly acceptance of me.Bring now upon me and upon YOUR Church universal a deep heavy conviction of our sins, lack of love, and moral transgressions. Strip us of our self-righteousness, pride, and self confidence. Dry up our strength so that we may have YOUR strength. Bring us true tears of confession and repentance. Make us desperate for YOU.Make YOUR Church an effective, active, fervent, and focused house of prayer. In the middle of these troubled times be our hiding place and preserve us. Deliver us now and help us see YOU moving in our midst to do great things.Teach me YOUR ways. Instruct me in wisdom. Counsel me with Truth. Take from me a stubborn spirit. Let me not only respond to YOUR discipline but grant me an ability to follow YOU freely and spontaneously.Keep me from wickedness and allow me to dwell in your perfect and eternal steadfast love as I trust in YOU to be good, great, and compassionate towards me.Give me gladness of heart and a rejoicing spirit before YOU LORD. In YOU LORD, give me joy.Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen




Lord, be my refuge (Psalm 31)