Morning Prayer

LORD, the ONE greater than every conception of God, beyond my most wild dream of what it means to be Creator, Redeemer, and Judge. The ONE beyond all conceptions that men have even when aided by YOUR revelation. The ONE who is the ultimate reality behind, in, and over all other realities, yet have promised to hear my weak prayers in YOUR condescending grace of love.

Today, possess me by YOUR SPIRIT

let me not rule myself

Today open my heart to YOUR WORD and transform me through that revelation

let me not think for myself

Today grant me true faith and trust in YOU

Let me not doubt

Today give me a love of righteousnessLet me not trust in sin to win

Today give me an attitude of surrender to YOUR will

Let me not rebel
Today ViNE of life, attach me to YOU and bear fruit

Let me not be detached and lifeless

Today deliver me into YOUR freedom and light

Let me not be tempted by the darkness

THY kingdom come YOUR will be done

in my life as in heaven

I pray this not just for myself but for my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, my church, and the network of influence YOU have given to me to serve in YOUR name and in YOUR love.


Prayer for Unity


What will cause us to pray?