Prayer for Unity

"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all." Ephesians 4:1-6

Lord, help us to live in light of YOUR great love for us demonstrated in YOUR suffering the infinite agony of the cross and providing to us faith to accept YOUR resurrection from the dead and bringing us by YOUR infinite grace have saved us who were beyond salvation, adopted us who were homeless and abandoned to become a royal family, and embraced us as friends who were traitors, forgiving us crimes that should never be able to be pardoned.

Help us understand the wonder of this redemption and live now worthy of being so favored, honored, accepted, and delivered.

Let the wonder of YOUR grace wipe out our pride and place in us an attitude of humility.

Let the wonder of YOUR loving grace take from us harshness and produce in us gentleness in all our relationships

Let the wonder of YOUR loving grace allow us to give the ability to provide patience and endurance with each those YOU have put in our lives.

Let the wonder of YOUR loving grace allow us to love others as YOU have loved us.

Fill us with YOUR love

Put into us a burning passion to protect the unity of the HOLY SPIRIT that is in us against all the attacks of the flesh, the world and devil that promote division, gossip, selfishness, pride, harshness, impatience, frustration, anger , bitterness, and indifference instead of the compassionate peace and redemptive acceptance of each other.

Lord, help us accept each other as YOU have accepted us for the glory of the Father

LORD, help us live in YOUR reality.

There is only one body of Christ and we are one in YOU.

There is only one HOLY SPIRIT and YOU have put YOUR SPIRIT in all of us who believe.

There is only one hope and we share in the wonder of the joyful anticipation of seeing YOUR kingdom manifested in full glory.

There is only one LORD, YOU are ruler and lover of each of us.

There is only one true gospel faith, and YOU have granted this gift to believe in YOU.

There is only one baptism and YOU have identified each of us with this wedding ring signifying YOUR great love for us.

There is only one Father God who has in Christ Jesus adopted each of us and surrounds us now in perfect accepting love

We have one Father, one LORD, and one Spirit

We are family
The family of the King of the universe, the one who dwells in eternity and in our hearts

Let this heavenly vision now guide us in every word, attitude, and action. Reveal YOUR gospel in us today. Help us to live a life worthy of such great realities

.Lauren Daigle sings “Peace Be Still” by the Belonging Co at Heaven Come 2018 Come Join Us for Heaven Come 2019 LA: May 23 - 25 // Dallas Aug 29 - 31 https://...


Gospel Centered Life - Sessions 1-8


Morning Prayer