Prayer For Our Times

Redeeming Creator LORD, you are good, great, and full of grace. YOU are worth to be valued and admired.

Forgive me my lack of faith
Forgive me for my lack of prayer.
Forgive me my wasting of time.
Forgive me my lack of hope.
Forgive me my wanting to deny the desperation of my times
Forgive me my lack of fervent kingdom passion
Forgive me my lack of love

Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy
Because of YOUR suffering on the cross
Because of YOUR resurrection
Because YOU are my sympathetic High Priest
Pour out YOUR grace, mercy and strength now!

Thank YOU that YOU never abandon me
Thank YOU for being afflicted with my affliction
Thank YOU for being my loyal life companion
Thank YOU for using all my pain for gain
Thank YOU for using all my grief for good

Possess me now and control my words and actions by filling me, LORD HOLY SPIRIT, live thru me today.

Open my heart to YOUR WORD and transform me thru it into YOUR likeness.

Let me trust YOU in the darkness

Give me a hatred of evil and a love for love

Grant to me a trusting surrender to YOUR will for my life

Living Messiah Jesus now let me know the transformation of YOUR abiding living presence in me

Deliver me now from the devil and crush his head under the feet of YOUR community of disciples. Let me be wise in what is good and pure of what comes from the evil one. Save me from all the lies, illusions, and deceptions. Let YOUR light and love push away all darkness from me. Hero of heaven now come for without YOU we have no defense, no hope, and no strength. Be glorified in defeating the dark lord in my life.

I pray this not just for myself but for my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, my church, and those YOU have allowed me to influence. YOUR redemptive kingdom come and will be done in each of their lives. Save my household, I beg YOU merciful Father, King of the Universe.

LORD teach those who rule us justice and mercy. Grant heavenly wisdom to the authorities that rule.

Raise up peacemakers of love to show us the ways of righteousness.

Help us pause and pray.

Let us not trust in rage and fear to save us.

We are desperately lost.

Save us now!

Comfort the mourning, stop the violence, strengthen the sick, end the plague, remember we are just dust in the wind. We are weak, wounded, and sadly wicked.

Unless YOU revive us, awaken us, guide us, protect us, and provide answers; we have nothing without YOU. Be our answer.

Keep the suicidal from their own insanity and preserve their lives. Lift up the depressed. Comfort those who are filled with panic. Provide hope to the hopeless.

Grant food to the homeless, help the unemployed have work,

Unite your believers in YOUR love. Help us not "fiddle while Rome burns" becoming heated over minor things while major things need to be addressed. Let us not strain out gnats and swallow camels. Save us from self-righteousness and condemning pride. Help us be priests of grace and not Pharisees. Teach us to be actually effectively salt and light now in the midst of this insanity. Let us not just "echo" the frustration and fear of our culture but really be the YOUR pure loving presence and redeeming power before a culture in great need of both.

Defeat the devil's plan to have us lose our kingdom flavor and fill us with YOUR wise love.

Send us a Pentecost of purity, passion, and power.

Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done

Faithful Father be glorified thru us and in us.

Act now! We need YOU to come!

Spontaneous worship inspired by Elevation's "Do It Again" With Osby Berry, Erica Bostick, Troy Culbreth, D'Marcus Howard, more WorshipMob featuring our Cinci...


Lamentation & Hope


Musings About Our Times