Prayer For Today

LORD of all creation, all knowing, and full of grace and wisdom, Creator and Redeemer, I need YOUR help this day.

It is hard to focus on YOU and YOUR WORD when things are in such chaos and there are so many distractions that would overwhelm me.

There are so many world events, national tragedies, struggles among YOUR people, and personal fears that it is easy to get lost in them.

But none of them can separate YOUR people or me from YOUR love. YOU have promised YOU will work all things out for good. Truely, only YOU can do that.

Give our civil leaders in every nation a humble spirit and the ability to make wise decisions for the common good.

Give wisdom to YOUR people this day.

Let all the leaders of YOUR Church in every nation be filled with YOUR SPIRIT and bearing the fruit of love.

Teach us how to let YOUR love come through us, so it may be felt, seen, and experienced by the whole world in this critical time filled with hatred, division, fear, panic, violence, injustice, anger, oppression, mourning, illness, and death.

Save YOUR Church from becoming merely a baptized echo of the voice of the world system.

Make our words YOUR WORD. Make our hands YOUR HANDS. Make our heart YOUR HEART. Make our bodies YOUR BODY.

Let YOUR TRUTH and YOUR COMPASSION be seen in YOUR disciples. Make us effective in bringing light to every culture.

Bring about a worldwide revival greater than ever before out of these times of confusion and discord.

Bring the prodigal children who were raised in YOUR CHURCH, taught YOUR WORD, and prayed for all their lives who have left following YOU as disciples be awakened and return to the faith they were taught as children, repent, and begin now to passionately follow YOU.

Let the great revival begin with those whose parents greatest desire was that they belong to YOU and live for YOU.

LORD, have mercy now and deliver them from the traps of the devil.

Let every community of color, black, brown, yellow, red, or white see they are all one human race and by YOUR common grace to all people inspire love and respect to each person regardless of the color of their skin.

HOLY SPIRIT, help us repent of our prejudice, fear, and pride.

Help us see we are our brother's keeper.

Give us the power, Living Messiah Jesus, to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us .

Help the persecuted church continue to endure their pain and loss as they bear faithful witness in word and deed to those who hate them.

LORD, make YOUR people and me effective peacemakers in this generation. Give us the grace and blessing to be the makers of harmony, unity, compassion, empathy, and respect at this critical time.

Show me my role at this time in history.

YOU know LORD I just want quiet and peace not turmoil and struggle; but not my will but YOUR will be done.

Show me how I can be a part of making peace, healing wounds, comforting the hurting, and teaching the truth at this time of crisis.

Take control of me and give me the courage I will need to do what YOU call me to do.

Our good, good, Heavenly Father
May the wonder and beauty of who YOU are be seen in every nation, tribe, and people.

May all see YOUR Messianic Kingdom come and YOUR loving will be done on the earth as it is in heaven.

Provide this day the physical strength and resources we need to do YOUR will on the earth this day.

Forgive us when we fail to love as YOU love and hurt others instead of helping them.

Have us be willing to forgive our enemies as YOU forgave us our sins when we were YOUR enemy through YOUR blood shed on the cross and the power of YOUR resurrection from the dead.

Teach us to forgive generously as YOU have forgive us generously

Great HERO of heaven come now and rescue us from the devil and his army of demons that seek only to promote lies, hatred, division, discord, chaos, and death.

Only YOU can save us!

Let us not trust in sin to win but give to us a hatred of evil!

Teach us to pray!

Be glorified in this moment in history by supernaturally invading this crisis in such a way that all will give YOU praise.

Do something Living LORD, greater than we could ever imagine!

Help us now!



Prayer For Our Times


A nightmare prayer