Prayer for Today

Great and good LORD of glory.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit, open my heart to be transformed by YOUR WORD, increase my trust in YOU, renew my mind, grant me an attitude of surrender to YOUR will, allow me to abide in YOU and YOU abide in me so that today I will bear much fruit, Guard me from desires that would have me think I need to sin to win, Deliver me from the lies and illusions of the devil.

I pray this not just for myself but for my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, my church, and the network of people I influence. Lord have mercy! Bring to us revival!

LORD I pray for the Republic of the United States that YOU will pour out abundant grace on us, humble us, and put into us a hunger and thirst to seek YOU in prayer. Turn people from their sins and help them see YOUR gospel as their only hope. Revive those dead in their sins to new life in YOU.

Allow YOUR people who are called by YOUR name in the Republic seek YOUR face and become intimate in their knowledge of YOU. Make them a house of prayer for all nations. Allow YOUR universal Church in all nations to be renewed as a house of prayer.

Only YOU can save us!

Raise up a generation of peacemakers and allow a just peace to be established. End the injustice in our system and the use of violence against authority in which more innocent lives are being lost. Lord have mercy and comfort those who mourn because they have lost loved ones in this time of social unrest. Bring answers that will allow the killing and destruction to stop.

Remove now the plague from all the nations of the world. Grant us to be able to live, work, worship, and play without fear of becoming sick or dying. Provide a greater reality of not being in constant danger every time we go to a store or meet people to worship.

Remember, we are but dust. Have mercy now and accomplish YOUR purpose thru this virus but do so quickly.
The burden it has caused is great. Remember great eternal LORD that we are but dust. Have mercy on us weak and foolish as we are and always like sheep straying. Forgive us and have mercy on us Good Father and King of the universe, have pity on us.



Prayer for Today


Overcoming Painful Past Seminar