Prayer for Today

Lord, help us be freed from hatred and fear of each other. Save us from becoming unstable and not lead by YOUR SPIRIT. Lord have mercy.

Lord the lies of the unborn matter to YOU. 50 million babies, made in YOUR image, have been murdered before they could be born. 50 millions life stories were cut short since 1973. They were unjustly destroyed before they took their first breath.

Lord, have mercy on our Republic for allowing and even encouraging this slaughter of the innocent. Our nation's hands are stained with the blood of tens of millions of babies.

Lord have mercy on us. Surely we don't deserve anything but YOUR condemnation as a nation for we have failed to serve and protect those most innocent among us. Lord, have mercy.

Forgive us as a nation LORD for not providing encouragement and support to women facing crisis pregnancies. We are leaving them alone, unaided, abandoned and desperate. Grant us a practical compassion for these women to aid them in having the resources needed to bring their children into the world in a sane, stable, and spiritual way.

Lord have mercy

Today LORD, control me by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, open my heart to YOUR WORD, provide me trust in YOUR promises, grant me a hatred of evil, put in my soul a surrender to YOUR will in all things, LORD grant me to abide in YOU as YOU abide in me, protect me from evil desires that lead to sin, and deliver me from the falsehoods, deceptions, and influence of the devil.

I pray this not for myself alone, but for my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, my church, and the network of people I have some influence upon.

Your NAME be glorified, YOUR kingdom come, and YOUR will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen


Desperate Prayers For Desperate Times


Prayer for Today