Prayer for today

LORD, my ultimate master and controller of all things. Giver of freedom and judge of responsibilities. Lover of my soul and one filled with compassion. Watch over me this day. Remember I am but dust and so very frail. Provide for me comfort and strength. Lord, have mercy on me.

The struggles and problems seem greater than all resources to handle them and you are aware of the fear that comes because it seems that what has to be faced is greater than the ability to manage or cope. You have said to determine the cost before the battle and yet when one does this it can be unsettling. For my calculations can conclude that defeat is coming.

Yet, you call for a new accounting to take place. You ultimately have to be added to the equation. Your infinite wisdom and power. The ability to turn bad into producing good. The ability to transform water into wine. Once I add you into the struggle then I can know peace. Your victory becomes my victory. Lord, help me at an emotional level add you in and see you as for me. If you are for me then who can successfully be against me? Help my heart hear the gospel of your love once more.

Lord into you hands I deliver this day with all of its uncertainties and unknowns. Please show me your presence, peace, and power today.

Allow me to feel a passion for your kingdom, from this passion produce in my kingdom focused prayers and from the wisdom gained in this prayer provide me a plan to build up some aspect of your kingdom in my life and culture. Lord have mercy on me this day and help me to be full of faith. Amen


Desperate Prayer for Desperate times


Prayer For Today