Prayer For Today

Prayer For Today

[Isa 25:1, 9 NLT] 1 O LORD, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have accomplished them. … 9 In that day the people will proclaim, "This is our God! We trusted in him, and he saved us! This is the LORD, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!"

LORD, YOU are great, good, gracious, and the one that does wonderful things every day that YOU planned before there was time and now are bringing to past so that all the nations, peoples, and tribes may know that YOU are the one and only Savior and King of all creation.

May we come to see, acknowledge, magnify, and proclaim YOUR wonder, awe, and love.

LORD, watch over those who are most vulnerable, weak, and fragile now this day.

Guard the pregnant woman and help them during their season of being with child and grant to them safe births for mother and child.

Remove the temptation from our society to abort the children to avoid problems and struggles associated with having a child. Raise up people to help, support, encourage, and provide for women facing crisis pregnancies.

As a nation let us have the revelation that the unborn children need to have their lives protected and that the mothers who bear these children need to be helped in every way to have hope for their children to have productive lives. Bring hope to every pregnant mother and reveal the opportunity for every unborn child.

Holy Spirit fall upon every small group, home fellowship, and bible study. Allow believers in these intimate settings be open to YOUR WORD and to each other. Grant now a real and intimate fellowship to take place that will impact lives so that we may all come to see YOU more clearly, love YOU more dearly, and follow YOU more nearly due to our interaction with each other as the body of Christ. Renew us now and equip us for the service YOU have planned for us to perform as YOUR people at this time and in this culture.

Make YOUR Church a house of prayer for all nations. Teach us to intercede for those who are leaders in every land. Allow us to be effective in the priesthood YOU have given to every believer.

Help us to be holy as YOU are HOLY.

Make us wise and passionate about prayer. LORD, teach us to pray. Let us not lose heart and abandon prayer. Help us trust YOU to be the good Father who gives good gifts to HIS children. LORD, give to us the filling presence of the HOLY SPIRIT so that we would pray as YOU would desire us to pray.

Our Father, who is most manifested in heaven, may YOUR authority, power, and rule be seen by all the peoples of the earth in the wonder of YOUR love that has come through Immanuel Jesus, HIS death for our sins and glorious ascension to heaven to be our HIGH PRIEST and KING.

YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done on earth as in heaven.

Let every knee bow in loving loyalty to YOU and righteousness govern every decision made by us.

Give us today those physical resources we need to accomplish YOUR purpose and service in our lives. Provide for us all we practically need to promote YOUR gospel to every person, community, and nation.

YOU have forgiven us our multitude of moral failures through YOUR suffering on the cross. We have been washed clean of our failure to love as we should love YOU and others. YOU have embraced us and accepted us by YOUR grace alone. Thank YOU for YOUR salvation!

Allow us now to be filled with grace, mercy, love, compassion, patience, long-suffering, and forgiveness towards our enemies, foes, and all those who sin against us, falling short of what love requires them to do for us.

As YOU have forgiven us give us now the grace and power to forgive others.

Show us how to return good for evil so that the evil can be conquered in our lives.

HOLY SPIRIT do not lead us into situations where we may fall and fail to be faithful to give confession to YOUR love as we should. Remember we are but dust. Grant us wisdom to know how to avoid temptations and not be overcome by evil desires.

Make us holy as YOU are HOLY.

Defeat and destroy the works of the devil in our lives based on YOUR perfect sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Protect us from all the traps and lies of the evil one. Crush the head of the serpent now by making us devoted to YOUR gospel and rejecting all that denies YOUR victory in YOUR death, burial, and resurrection from the dead.

LORD Jesus save us!

YOU are our only hope!

Flood the earth with the knowledge of YOU. Raise up a witness to YOUR love in every nation. Protect and provide for the 260 million of YOUR people who now suffer persecution around the globe. Use their testimony in blood to bear such strong witness that those who persecute them will themselves be converted by them.

Pour out YOUR Holy Spirit upon us and send to YOUR people in this generation a powerful Pentecost of purity, presence, and power. Show YOURSELF to us that we may reflect YOUR glory to all nations.



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