Prayer for today

5-27-20 prayer

Great Heavenly Teacher, LORD, Father, Messiah, Helper, King, Friend, help me to experience now YOUR presence.

Come now Holy Spirit and fill me and produce YOUR fruit of love in me.

Come Holy Spirit upon all YOUR people. Give us a purifying pentecost today.

Heal us of our spiritual diseases. Those that are truly terminal to our souls.

Remove our pride, lack of faith, bitterness, self-righteousness, lawless lust, greed, hunger for power and control, rebellion against authority, need to judge others, gossip, fear of what other think, idols, and fear of failure.

Open our eyes that we may see YOU more clearly and hunger to become like YOU LORD JESUS that we may purify ourselves as YOU are pure.

Give to us a hatred of sin and a love for sinners.

Abide in us LORD JESUS and with us that we may bear YOUR fruit for the glory of the FATHER and overflow with a witness to others of YOUR greatness and grace in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Let us not be ashamed of the gospel.

Help us live lives worthy of the gospel.

Deliver us from all the cleaver traps of the enemy. Those that are designed to awaken our unbelieving, selfish and self righteous selves and encourage us to forget the gospel. Deliver us from the attitudes, vices, and advice of the rebellious culture we live in that would teach us that to win we need to sin.

LORD, forgive us for we your sheep are so easily led astray. I am so easily led astray. Lord have mercy now and as a GOOD SHEPHERD come and gather us to YOUR love and truth. Save us from ourselves . Save us from the wolves. Crush the head of the serpent in our ministry and lives for YOUR glory.

Make us the salt and light this generation needs. Help our persecuted friends of faith around the world and use their sacrifice to overturn the unbelief of the cultures that oppress them. Turn our enemies into our allies. Convert them or cripple their ability to do harm.

Comfort the mourning, strengthen the sick, help the panicked, deliver the suicidal, bring revival, awaken us, and by your great mercy remove this plague from all nations and provide us more time to reach the world with the gospel and for more to repent. LORD, you are slow to anger, kind, patient, loving, merciful, and relent of judgment. Remember your mercy to Nineveh, and have such mercy today. Fill the earth with deep sorrow and repentance. Take from us the heart of stone and give to us the heart of flesh.

Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Christ have mercy. Amen


Prayer for today


A Modern Parable of God's Love