Prayer for today

Prayer for May 30

[Mic 6:8 NASB] 8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?

LORD of desperate times we need YOU to come with fresh wind and fire to come.

Help us not resist YOUR HOLY SPIRIT or give grief to YOUR heart.

Send to us a Pentecost of peace and purity this Sunday.

Send to us a Pentecost of power to resist sin and love those we disagree with.

Send to us a Pentecost of healing and unity

Send to us a transforming Pentecost of purity in every nation among every people, among every tribe, among every color, among every tongue.

Take from us Babel and replace it with Harmony

Take from us confusion and bring to us order.

Take from us compromise and bring to us consistency.

Wipe the smile off the devil's face as he sees us, your people, seek everything but YOUR kingdom and righteousness.

Raise up an army from the dead bones and use that army to fill the earth with a demonstration of pure redeeming love.

Make of us a house of fervent prayer

Teach us to pray

Many of us have hated or feared others because their skin and culture differed from ours.

We have felt better and brighter than others because we were of one group and they of another.

Our pride and fear mix into a horrible recipe of hate.

The one whose will is to kill, steal, and destroy rejoices in all of this.

The dark spirit of hate loves when we hate each other.

The victims hate the oppressors and the oppressors hate the victims. We return evil for evil in an endless cycles of what we believe is righteous revenge. Blinded by our self-righteousness and feeling of superiority.

Lord save us from these deceptions. Save us from destruction.

So few hate evil.

Give us a hatred of evil and a compassionate true respect and love for all men.

Restore peace now great peacemaker

Raise up effective peacemakers for this generation

Send to us truly wise and good leaders who are servants

Transform our current leaders into wise and good leaders who are servants.

End the riots without further loss of life.

Lord have mercy now.

Hear the cry of the mourning this day, strength those sick and in pain; fighting for every breath, grant strength to those in despair, free those filled with hate, help the hopeless and suicidal, keep the addicts from relapse, help the poor find their daily bread and help the panicked find peace.

Great Redeeming Creator these are desperate times.

We are desperate.

We have no one to turn to but YOU to save us.

We have no power to solve the problems.

We have no strategy to win.

Without YOU coming in loving presence and power doing impossible things we are lost.

We surrender LORD! Help us! Remember we are but dust!

Turn us from our rebellion, our pride, our self-righteousness, our fear, our hate, and bring to us conviction, confession, conversion, and consecration.

LORD, we come empty now! Please fill us in YOUR mercy!

[Jas 4:7-10 NASB] 7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.


Musings About Our Times


Prayer for today