Prayer for today

Lord of day and night, watch over me night and day. Protect me from the assaults of the demons and devil. By your victory on the cross and resurrection, now crush every effort of the world, my own selfish self, and Satan to tempt me into the insanity of rebellion and sin.

Make me ready to share with others, YOU, great and good Savior King. Give me boldness and wisdom to speak in love.

LORD, bring justice, peace, compassion, empathy, sympathy, understanding, and reconciliation to our country.

Allow our police to strive to always be fair, firm, just, prudent, wise, protecting lives, trustworthy, effective and caring.

Allow our citizens to be peaceful, bold in resisting injustice, reasonable, obedient to righteous laws, united against tyranny, ready to speak out against oppression and working for the common good together.

Help our poor to have hope and help in becoming self-sufficant and free of fear.

Open up jobs for the unemployed and end this time of plague and quarantine. Lord have mercy and remember we are but dust.

Comfort the mourning in their loss and grief.

Strengthen the sick and give doctors wisdom in how to treat them.

Awaken us to our need of spiritual and moral revival.

Make YOUR people a house of prayer for all nations in every nation. Create a global community of prayer that is seeking YOU and YOUR kingdom.

Teach us to pray!

Encourage us to not lose heart and abandon prayer.

Help us to persevere in prayer trusting YOU even in dark times.

Teach us to wait on YOU to manifest YOUR power and glory in response to the cries of YOUR people.

Awaken the prodigal children who were taught about YOU as children but now belong to the world and follow the ways of the culture they live in. Good shepherd go out and bring in the straying souls, remember the prayers of their parents and pastors for their salvation, and bring them back to the faith in the gospel they were taught as children. Allow the revival begin among these who were dedicated to YOU from their birth. Remember them and give them a hunger and thirst for YOU.

Your kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven.


Prayer For Today


Preach the Logos - biblical musing