Prayer for Today

Forever Father of mercy, grace, compassion, longsuffering, slow to anger, and relenting of bringing just judgement in history due to YOUR desire to save and forgive, King of the Universe and Great Immanuel Messiah Jesus, Lord and Savior; Hovering SPIRIT of HOLINESS, comforter and teacher, help me now be aware of YOUR presence over me, under me, on my left and on my right, and in me.

Help YOUR CHURCH universal and local know how to speak your truth in love, seasoning all our words with grace, and making all we say things that build up rather than destroy.

Save us from careless, unloving, and harsh words that tear down and destroy rather than provide strength and grace to them that hear them. Lord, only YOU can help us train the tongue for it is able to set the world on fire if wrongly used.

End slander and gossip among us. Help us be prudent and wise, always thinking carefully and prayerfully before we speak.

Lord have mercy and save us from ourselves.

Show us how we are to do justice, love mercy, and live in humility before YOU this day. Save us from our pride and self righteousness.

Raise up peacemakers on both sides of the conflict in our nation. Help us to see that the anger of human beings can never establish YOUR loving will on the earth.

Help us not trust in our uncontrolled anger to save us or our society. Allow us to be quick to hear each other and seek to understand those that are different than we are and see things different than we see them.

Today LORD put an end to the violence and injustice. Help us purify ourselves and seek to learn to love our neighbor and even our enemies. Lord have mercy.

Stop the killing of more people in the riots and end this conflict while bringing about a more just society. Lord have mercy.

While we were YOUR enemy YOU loved us and paid for our sins. Show us how we could demonstrate such sacrificial love for each other in these times.

Allow us to know how to represent YOU at these complex times.

Comfort the mourning, strengthen the sick, help the hopeless to have hope. End the plague and deliver us from fear.

Bring revival, renewal, restoration, reconciliation, and reform.

Hear our cries and manifest YOUR power to save in a way that all may see that it is YOU and not us that has the power to deliver.

Crush the head of the serpent under YOUR feet and defeat all of his lies both in us and in society.

Lord of mercy, YOUR will be done and kingdom come now!



One Human Race


Prayer for today