Prayer for today

LORD have mercy!

Living Spirit of holiness, great Father of creation, and Messiah Jesus, great suffering Emmanuel, Triune mystery; hear my cry to YOU today.

I proclaim YOU to be good, great, and full of grace!

I proclaim that YOU are my companion in the midst of grief and pain, using all my grief for ultimate good.

[Exo 34:6-7 NASB] 6 Then the LORD passed by in front of Moses and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; 7 who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave [the guilty] unpunished, visiting the (cultural consequences) of the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren (who continue in the path of rebellion) to the third and fourth generations."

Now all powerful Creator and Redeemer possess me this day that YOUR life and character would control every word, actions, and attitude of my life. Without YOU I can do nothing good.

Open my heart to YOUR WORD that I may be transformed by it.

Increase my trust in YOUR WORD and in YOU.

Forgive me my lack of love, self-reliance, pride, and lack of passion and turn me towards compassion, reliance upon YOU and YOUR promises, humility, and a hungering for YOUR kingdom and YOU. Give me the gift of repentance.

Help trust and surrender to YOUR will for my life.

Living and resurrected Messiah Jesus now abide in me and I in YOU so that YOUR life will bear fruit in my life.

Deliver me from the dark demonic influences who would desire to deceive me and call upon me to forsake YOU and YOUR gospel in word and deed.

Great saving HERO of heaven, now crush the head of the serpent under YOUR feet at this time and place in history. Teach me to be wise in YOUR GOOD GOSPEL and pure from lawlessness and legalism.

I pray this not just for myself but for my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, my church, and the network of people I influence.

Lord, have mercy on us all!

Merciful heavenly Father and King of the Universe; look upon all the anguish of the world at this time and intervene in a powerful way that all the world my give YOU glory for YOU ending the plague and giving us time to repent.

LORD, give to us justice, peace, and patience! Let the riots stop and all acts of violence cease.

LORD, our cities are in flames! Look down and have mercy! End the cycle of revenge and vengeance ! Save us from ourselves.

Raise up peacemakers on both sides and allow them to find the path of life and unity.

Bring repentance and humility to our leaders both civil and church. Grant them wisdom in all they say so as to not increase anger or bring confusion. Raise up a generation of reporters who love the truth more than they love their opinion.

Grant to us cultural influencers and leaders of character, competence, and compassion. Produce now a generation of people who will influence the world with true wisdom.

Comfort the mourning, those who lost loved ones due to the plague, those who lost loved ones by acts of injustice and brutality, and those who grieve today because their loved ones died due to the violence of the riots.

LORD, so many broken hearts; come now and let them know that YOU weep with them.

Lord, help those who are ill to be given physical strength and their families who wait and hope for their recovery.

I beg YOU LORD, finish the work quickly that the plague was to accomplish and command the end to this "Virus Crisis". Remember we are but dust! Lord have mercy now and give us grace and not just judgment. Lord have mercy.

Our Heavenly Father, may YOU be honored, worshiped and glorified in all nations. May YOUR will be done and kingdom come to every culture.

Provide for us today the physical strength and health we need to do YOUR will.

Forgive us our sins because of the suffering of Messiah on the cross and HIS resurrection from the dead and show us how to give such unconditional forgiveness to everyone who sins against us.

Let us see the foolishness of seeking sin to win in our lives and free us from desires that only lead to death.

Destroy all the plans of the devil to kill, steal, and destroy us today.

May YOU be given true worship, in Spirit and truth in all the earth. Amen


Prayer for Today


Prayer For Today