Thank You Lord For Being A Faithful Lover

Meditation on Psalm 118God of Abraham, Isaac, and JacobGod of Moses, Isaiah, and DanielGod of Peter, Matthew, and PaulTrue Redeeming Creator open my heart to being thankful and forgive me for not being appreciative of all YOUR faithful compassion and care.YOU, great Redeeming Creator have been faithful to YOUR promises of salvation and commitment to me. You have been faithful even when I have been unfaithful.YOUR steadfast love endures forever.YOU have heard my cries. YOU have saved me times without number. YOU are my helper and hope. All things are working for good even when their are those who seek to harm me.LORD, YOU are my hiding place. YOU are my safe place.I feel surrounded by my problems and pushed against the wall by my circumstances, yet YOU are there to keep me from falling into despair.LORD Messiah Jesus YOU are my strength and praise. YOU are my salvation. All my hope is in YOU. YOU are my hero and defeated at great cost the enemies of my soul.I thank you for YOUR discipline and for the purpose YOU have placed into my life.I rejoice in YOUR dying for my sins, being buried and rising again from the dead. YOUR redemptive suffering has provided salvation and hope. YOU are my salvation. We rejected YOU and YOU have received us. Help me to feel joy and gladness as I remember YOUR love for me.Save YOUR people now. Provide for us renewal, reformation, and revival. Restore us to faithfulness. Provide for us spiritual success and victory.May the Redeeming LORD and KING of the universe receive and know the sincere adoration of HIS people. Worthy is HE to be loved and adored. LORD, I love and adore, help me love and adore YOU more.YOU are my ultimate relationship and focus. I can do nothing without YOU. YOU are the ultimate power in the universe. Nothing is beyond YOUR ability or reach. YOU are good, great, and full of merciful grace. Redeeming Creator, YOU are with me in the middle of this wounded and wicked world. YOU will make all the grief of this time be turned to produce good.YOUR steadfast love endures forever!


Son of David, have mercy on me!


Let Me See Jesus!