Let Me See Jesus!

 He was despised and rejected by others; a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity. Isaiah 53: 3"Great love alone compelled you to leave eternal light, to come and dwell among us and share our common plight. The whole world’s grief and suff’ring and earth’s unspoken pain, your perfect love embraces till only love remains."LORD, this day help me to remember the wonder of YOUR love for me. Help me see that it was only by YOU being rejected that I could be accepted. It was only by YOU being despised that I could be exalted. It was only by YOUR suffering that I could be saved. It was only because of YOUR sorrow that I could have joy.Take from me my self-righteousness and pride. Make me fully aware of my need of YOUR amazing grace and unconditional love. Messiah Jesus help me love YOU more and more as I consider all YOU have done for me.AmenMoravian Church in America IBOC. Moravian Daily Texts 2017 North American Edition: A Devotional Guide for Every Day (Kindle Locations 1395-1400). Moravian Church in America Interprovincial Board of Communication. Kindle Edition.


Thank You Lord For Being A Faithful Lover


LORD, save me from defeat!