LORD, save me from defeat!

Meditation on Psalm 66:1 O Lord, rebuke me not in your anger,nor discipline me in your wrath.2 Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing;heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.3 My soul also is greatly troubled.But you, O Lord—how long?Good, great, and merciful infinite and eternal Redeeming Creator, do not become upset with my cries for help or bring discipline to me in YOUR righteous condemnation. Be gracious to me because of YOUR suffering on the cross and see my weak state, bring healing to me and I need YOUR intervention. How long Lord? Please cat now and save.For the sake of the promises in YOUR gospel, the commitment YOU have made in YOUR blood, and YOUR unending steadfast love, now deliver my life from futility and failure. Let the legacy of my life give YOU praise and glory. Bear much fruit through me.LORD, comfort me in my mourning. So many losses and so many fears of future losses. My grief is great and sorrow fills my soul. My soul grows weak as I consider the struggles of today and those I believe I will fact tomorrow. Help me see YOUR plan to bring YOUR victory into my life. Help me have hope in that victory.Depart from me demons of the dark lord of lies. The LORD has heard my heart and cries. The LORD hears and accepts my prayers because of HIS great grace and sympathy for me. All the plans and purposes of the dark lord will be defeated in my life. The LORD will deliver me and put the devil to shame. Come now LORD of light and shine YOUR truth and love around me.LORD have mercy, Messiah Have mercy, LORD have mercy. Amen


Let Me See Jesus!


LORD where are you?