LORD where are you?

Meditation on Psalm 44Creator and maker of YOUR people, all that we have is due to YOUR power and might. We have not attained anything through our own greatness, skill, or energy. YOU have given us our greatness, skill, and energy. Everything that has been overcome has been overcome by YOU and YOU alone in our lives. This is reality, and only our pride blinds us to this truth. Help us see how totally dependent we are on YOU.YOU are our KING and SAVIOR. YOU have chosen us and given us salvation as a gift through YOUR sacrifice upon the cross in which suffering took place that our minds cannot even begin to comprehend. What YOU have paid to save us is beyond measure and understanding for us at this stage of our growth.Keep us from depending on the tools YOU have provided for us to do YOUR work. All of our victories have been YOUR gifts. We boast in YOUR love for us and not in our strength when we are sane. Thank YOU for for being good, great, and full of merciful grace towards us.But now we find ourselves feeling rejected and defeated. Failure and not success seems to be attached to all our efforts to build YOUR kingdom. The gospel is preached but not believed. It is believed but not followed. It is professed but does not seem to possess. We share it with out children and they turn away from it. The culture taunts us and sees nothing in us that they would desire. There seems to be little transforming power attached to our proclamation. Why do you now seem so far from us?LORD, have we in our hearts forgotten YOU? Have we become false to the covenant of grace in our deepest souls? Are our lips found of praising YOU while our hearts are far from you? Are we selective in our obedience and obey when it is convenient or expected? LORD, show us our hidden faults and humble us in the light of YOUR perfect revelation. Help us to be prepared to be persecuted for righteousness sake and for YOUR sake. Increase our faith.LORD, awaken us! LORD hear our cries. Don't reject us in this generation but bring back to us our candlestick, the ministry of light that we are to have during these dark times. Don't forget our affliction and oppression. Rise up Living LORD and for the sake of YOUR steadfast love renew us, revive us, reform us, and restore us.Convict the culture of its sins. Bring a wave of guilt upon our land. Bring tears and mourning over our many transgressions. Break us and humble us that we may be ready to trust YOU in the darkness. Do a deep work.LORD, act now! Rend the heavens! Shock the world culture with YOUR power and true principles. Now act and act now! Amen


LORD, save me from defeat!


Feeling Loved